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Net Revenue Share for Developers

Example Revenue Share for one AirConsole Hero User

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Net Revenue Share for Developers

  • "Gross Revenue" is the USD price a user pays for AirConsole Hero per month (subscription cycle). The Gross Revenue is split into two parts:
    • "Transaction Fees" (30%): Used to pay the fees of the Google Play Store and the Apple AppStore.
    • "Net Revenue" (70%) is split into two parts:
      • "Net Game Revenue" (70%):
        • You are entitled to a pro-rata share of the "Net Game Revenue" based on how many minutes the user spends in your game (Compared to the total amount of minutes the user is connected to AirConsole in a subscription cycle).
        • If a user does not play your game in a subscription cycle, you shall not be entitled to a revenue share from that user.
        • Revenue shares are rounded to the nearest US Cent per user.
      • "AirConsole" (30%) is the share we use to pay the whole AirConsole Infrastructure, Development and Game Servers.
  • In case a user buys an annual AirConsole Hero subscription, each subscribed year shall be treated like 12 consecutive monthly subscription cycles with a price of a 12th of the annual subscription price each.
  • Developer revenue shares are calculated individually for every AirConsole Hero user.

If you have any questions regarding Developers Revenue Share, get in touch with our team ([email protected]).

Terms and Conditions

The AirConsole Terms and Conditions are based on Google's Terms and Conditions for Developers for the Google Play Store.

The AirConsole Developer Distribution Agreement can be found here: AirConsole-Developer-Distribution-Agreement.pdf.

The AirConsole Developer Content Policy can be found here: AirConsole-Developer-Content-Policy.pdf.